He has gotten worse. For the past couple of weeks, he's had more bad days than good. Days full of seizures, tremors, weakness, dizziness, and double and blurry vision. Our local doc says it might be due to the really bad couple of seizures he had in the EMU, where he had his usual symptoms plus turning blue and drooling a lot, and a horrible post ictal period with headache, moaning, and inability to talk.
I'm googling TIA. I'm wondering if the increase in his Lamictal has made him worse, not better. I'm worried that all of this is taking an irreversible toll on his developing brain.
School - online school, that I miss work to help him with - is over in less than 4 weeks, and he's already a couple of weeks behind. It's not an option to think about trying to work on at the moment.
He had one good day yesterday (Thursday) and one good day last Saturday, out of the last 12 days. I don't want to take him to the hospital, because it's more money and stress and they don't do much there that I don't do here: wait it out. At least at home he can relax and be with his family and his dog, surrounded by the familiar.
I am just so worried that all of the waiting for the appointments and surgery possibilities in Denver will just be too late.
I love my son so much and I'm devastated for him all the time.