Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Reprieve

Remember what I said about hope being a bitch? Yeah. Hope is feeling angelic, for now. The past week has been gloriously NORMAL. Ok, maybe not normal for us - normal for us is lots of seizures. But good normal. Normal people/family/kids normal.

Today is Tuesday; Aaron hasn't had a seizure that I've seen since last Tuesday (his brother saw one in his sleep last Friday). He's been running around playing, riding his bike, doing all kinds of active stuff. I'm getting a bit further from the "waiting for him to jump out of his skin" mode, although it's always quietly in the background. However long this seizure-free (or seizure-reduced) moment lasts, I'm enjoying it.

He started a new med last week, Lamictal, and we're still on the first dose of a 10-week titration schedule. He often has a honeymoon period with a new med; it works great at first. After a while his brain gets bored with being reined in, and neurons start partying like very bad frat boys again. So, we enjoy it while it lasts. I don't know if he thinks about this, but I do: the seizures aren't gone for good. The past 6 years tells me so.

Over the past few days I've worked on getting his Boy Scout uniform patches on; he proudly tried everything on this morning so his stepdad could see it. Their meetings are on Tuesday nights, so he'll be going tonight. I honestly hope he gets healthy enough to be able to do camp outs & such, but for now, they are an "only if Mom can go too" thing.

So...Lamictal, Depakote, Banzel, and Keppra. That's where he's at now. The cocktail is doing a good job for the moment.

Feeling fearless...

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