Thursday, April 3, 2014


I need to do another application for a seizure dog. We've tried once before, with a group called Paws4Epilepsy (I think that's the name). After filling out the huge application, getting referral letters from multiple sources, and paying the application fee, we were told they don't certify service dog handlers under the age of 16.

We found out there is a more local one that DOES certify children (over age 5), so I looked at their application last night. It's a higher application fee, and the cost is in the thousands, but hopefully we can do some fundraising to cover it. My son's been asking for a seizure dog for a while now.

I know it won't make his seizures go away. That's what I really want, but no, it won't do that. It will make him feel safer. It will make the constant anxiety that he will have a seizure somewhat less. And maybe, just maybe, that will help him to have fewer seizures.

The work as a parent is never done; I think everyone can attest to that. But having a child with a disability is like being given extra homework every night. And detention most days. Sometimes, it simply wears me out. Even when I do get enough sleep, I still feel drained.

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