Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Predictably unpredictable

I knew it wouldn't last. That lovely, blissful, almost-seizure-free period. He had a seizure at school on Friday, and had to come come home. He was with his dad for the weekend, but had a couple on Saturday, and several on Sunday. I thought he might be ok yesterday, because he was fine when I dropped him off at school. But I got a call around noon; he'd had a seizure and fell and hurt his head and his shoulder. He didn't have any more seizures yesterday, but the episode left him with a completely numb right arm & leg. That used to happen a lot; he was hospitalized for it last year when, for nearly a week, he could barely use any of his limbs. The EEG showed nothing, and it was considered "functional weakness." That is, his body just temporarily paralyzes and there is really not much we can do about it. It's some kind of psychological protection, and there isn't a pill in the world to fix it. I tried visualization with him before; it actually helped once. But never again after that.

So, I missed another half day of work. Well, I "worked from home." For a job I still do not enjoy - at all. I wish I could just keep earning the same money, just for taking care of my family, but I've learned not to invest too much time in fantasies. And besides, for all the dislike of it, at least it takes my mind off seizures for awhile, sometimes.

I was thinking this morning how glad I was to be past the baby stage, when everything had to be locked up and put up and they needed my attention every minute. But at the same time, at least it was predictable - I had a fairly good idea of what each day would bring. And I miss that a little bit.

I thought it was chaos then, but I had no idea what that word meant until epilepsy came along.

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